Are You Still Looking For Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector - Slide Projectors

Are You Still Looking For Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector

Are You Still Looking For Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector Specification & Features Product Name: Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Proj...

Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector

Are You Still Looking For Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector
  • Brand: Kodak

  • Kodak 760H Carousel Projector
  • Original Box

Kodak 760H Carousel Projector in Original Box The Kodak 760H is a timetested slideprojector suitable for a wide range of uses. It supports both manual and remote operation as well as both 80 and 140slide carousels. The power cord is replaceable and the 650H offers builtin storage for cable management.

Comments List

  • Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector Reviews:

    I recommend that you can really have fun with this thing, it is really good. and not too expensive compared to the competition. a child's play to do the neigebelle effect for decoration of christmas, which lasts for several weeks redecompose powder a faith that is dry and can be reusedideal for parties, birthday, the kids loved all the little surprises, the quality is all the same justDoes not work. Sends the characters on a baud rate non-standard permanently. Impossible to update. Ok with a module bought from another dealer. False light snow and a lot of fun for the kids? Not really. Kind of white mud gelatinous and children disappointed? Yes ratherPlastic, perfect for making small bags for children, including bags of candy. Very nice and received before the scheduled date. Simple and funny. great success with my little ones. and easy to clean. C is in any case my personal opinion and it is shared. I liked this little toy, even if I find the price too high. The quality? Since it is wood it is rather fragile, so it is not necessary to pull like crazy! Product that in the end surprises even the people I tried it on several people and no one had "fear" because the product makes more noise than vibration that the one serves the hand. A single person was afraid, but she was aware she grasped just the thing. But otherwise the product remains robust and its charging system works well. In short useless, especially for the price.
  • Cheap Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector:

    I WAS DISAPPOINTED BECAUSE THE PACKAGE COLLECTED DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THE ONE THAT I HAVE COMMANDEIL, NO SPINNERS, MEDAILLESVRAIMENT DISAPPOINTED BY THIS PURCHASEAvoid object arrived broken and the quality more that no one will go your way the requested effect is not very disappointed. 4 ordered, received broken. The sensation of "shock" power is so slight that some have just the impression of their finger to the plow and do not capture the prank. I had one as a student and the effect was without call, with cry and let go of the pen now. In addition, by turning the tip of the pen wrote really while here it isn't even mine in fact. And then it looks like this pen is metal on the photo but in reality it is totally plastic very end... we should not expect to joke a lot with it because its life span is very very short... Also, the battery is not standard, so this gadget is immediately subjected to a programmed obsolescence evident. In short, it's not worth more than the sale price. Though for this price there was a good ballpoint pen that lasts for several years. I don't recommend this is not a gadget to purchase. for my little 5 years old...
  • Cheap Kodak 760H:

    satisfied with this toy strong, true to the description, even if e is not the toy the more ludo-éducactif of the time.. Firecracker has low detonation, do not expect to have a huge BOOM. I advice more teens than in adultsQuality is at the rendezvous, and adopted unanimously, the cards touch are just perfect and the vintage effect gives these cards a unique character. I would strongly recommend for those who like to play cards on the carpet, such as poker, blackjack, and many others... I have however had a little surprise when I opened my game ; I found there two ladies from heart (with proof) !! This is annoying at first sight, one could believe that my game is rigged. Fun to offer, and not very expensive, it is fun for the whole family. Grandma is sometimes a little unstable, Papi sprinte. well, I do not put 5 stars because the principle is rather nice, but in practice this is not awesome, already not possible to talk with the device in the mouth, the positioning requires a lot of testing, back in the tooth I find that it rubs hard on the gums, and if you advance the device not to as it rubs too much, it makes a lump unsightlyThis paper is very original and very funny � used in moderation if you want to keep only the used notFast delivery, but it is true that the system of the denture are not efficase to and this discomfort a can. I have the impression of falling back to the teens with braces :-) But I think the effect serra top for the halloween night.
  • Best Buy Kodak 760H:

    . Flawless this product, the smell smells pretty good lool,... smell of a pet rubbish/vomit this is the case to say : in short, a very unpleasant smell. I have put very little in my toilet and the smell has held: a maximum of 2/3h, but after I've smelled this smell on me : yuck! Good product, stuffing, revenge, or even to protect themselves. Excellent especially in rooms not ventilated. You will not be déçusNB : Delivery very late for me :/This kit is complete. Some parts are even embedded in the kit recommended by MicrosoftJe am delighted with this purchaseexcellent!! I received it yesterday. the product is very well designed in order to block the device to the teeth, it is necessary to bite in the dough (looks like the same as earplugs) some of the sax does not work, not toys to be useless, but the medals have delighted the children, a little bit expensive. Should sell the items separately. Made very nice, but it is a pity that the snow does not takes not really long time and that it will resume its original size!!! That said, c is the top of the top, in the job for revenge or anything like that, put friends in the confidance and find a target, crazy laughter guaranteedProduct met my expectations. Cardboard of good quality. Well packaged and above all sending very fast. I received it in time for the carnival of my son! I highly recommendI gave the pens to my daughter in the form of a joke, I added the capsules in pill form, PerfectArticle of good quality and identical to the photo, rendering nikel. De more this costume unusual has been noticed for a disguise original. Bought as a gift for a nursing student.
  • On Sale Kodak 760H:

    She is delighted with it. Purchased with stabylos in the form of a syringe. Only one regret: they are all in black. Damage, but this is not too serious. Always to make people laugh... especially that smoking is not good... but good humor is less expensive than rot healthVery well-perfect for making jokes just lack the choice if not very well I recommend it for the pranksters, or for the joke to workThese cigarettes are really gadgets! They are not delivered in a box but a small plastic bag. The talc is leaking from the front without even blowing in the cigarette. This product is finally is expensive for what it is but the children have appreciated so my opinion is mixed.... in line with my expectations,, great!!! the design and functionality correspond to what I was looking for. the mounting is simple and quickBought it to fill a piñata, this lot is perfect! the photo does not do service.
  • Kodak 760H Reviews:

    Filled full of smaller gadgets as love as children! Very good product for education was the computer, the modules are simple, a cd is provided with the option on the cd to make installing on Windows 7 and see and make edits, a datashet internal allows for the implementation and design of small installation on board testing, the videos are on the cd to begin smoothly.. I put 5 étaoiles because that it is really a super product, delivery, packaging, quality, it is beautiful, works very well and in addition it is beautiful and fits very well in the decor, I'm going to buy anotherdifferent colors for fun! those with their color neon yellow will be even better! I realize the Dinette for my daughter! (for ideas, look in google "TUTORIAL DINETTE BEADS-HAMA, " you will find a full full full of dées available, gratuites... de what make things fun! Delivery super fast and toys of a good size am thrilled with my purchase! My daughter's birthday is going to be top! She is waiting for her pinata! they made their effect has the anniversary on the theme queen of the snow my daughter, as much for the girl than for the boys; the girls were taken by elsa and anna the boy, christopher, and olafReceived quickly, good colour (not too white, therefore, do not appear yellow teeth...
  • Best Buy Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector:

    ), easy to use, although it is necessary to train a little bit to put them well without looking in a mirror. They make their effect! I bought the slim to replace the one my daughter in the game bearky sneacky because the game had vanished by poor closure of the box. This slim replaces very well the other. Store in a box that closes well, because the box delivery is not close enough!!! The parrot was delivered quickly. The seller took care to pack it with a gift package because I had specified that it was a gift and it has added the small word I had put to the attention of the recipient. My goddaughter was delighted with her gift, she has major seizures of giggles when she plays with! So I am delighted with this purchase, many thanks again. the product is great for stuffing too marante on my brother I'm going to adored these when fucks laughI bought this item for my son who plays with it a lot, but he should not abuse it because it becomes tiresome. Considering the price, this is not ruinous. A good quality product that is complete and very good description and very resistant. The product corresponds to the description.



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Slide Projectors: Are You Still Looking For Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector
Are You Still Looking For Kodak 760H Carousel Slide Projector
Slide Projectors
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