Buy Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Best Seller - Slide Projectors

Buy Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Best Seller

Buy Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Best Seller Specification & Features Product Name: Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Brand: Viv...

Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector

Buy Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Best Seller

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector
  • Brand: Vivitar
  • Model: 5000

  • Automatic focusing
  • Remote control with forward and reverse
  • Slide previewer
  • Low-voltage quartz lamp
  • Cool, quiet operation

A reasonably priced slideprojector with uncompromising features Includes rotary tray with a capacity of up to 100 slides 85mmf2.8 lens for bright and sharp images is also included Additional trays (VIV S100) hold up to 100 slides and fit both the 5000AF and its predecessor the 3000AF The Vivitar 5000AF slide projector features vertical tray loading and cool quiet operation. It features an 85mm f2.8 lens a remote control with forward and reverse automatic focus with manual override a slide ...

Comments List

  • Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Reviews:

    All very compact and of excellent quality, is uncoupled to have three real utensils, the only downside to the fork is not bent which can be a concern to pick up food like rice, but you think a can and to say that it was the spoon. I am very satisfied with this product, conform to the description. I chose the S model, to use as the box tasted pourmon son. I can put a drink, a sauce, a fromageet biscuits. For the moment no concern with flexi freez get that I ailaissé in its original packaging in order to avoid all manipulationsmalencontreuses (after reading reviews). As my title idique, "unfolds well but folds hard". Not even drunk in it...... Does the job it's a water bottle what.... it is necessary to write 17 words.. bah.. I wrote what.... ah another 6 words... that tell of a gourd that makes its work of gourd......
  • Cheap Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector:

    The join closure not strong enough, result in when it shakes it leaks everywhere!! I do not recommend absolutely not! I have long hesitated between bottle warmer and thermos, and today I am set, the thermos is really the miracle solution for 10 hours by car and water still warm bottle of baby made and heated to the perfect temperature. more I could always me recervir when we have a desire to ride with picnic in the key for coffee!!!!!! I was looking for since a long time a practical bag for storing my meals for the work, I've finally found it, it is a compact but high capacity (a dish, a dessert type of yogurt and cutlery are rank easily), it cloth is washable even in machine, and not too soft so it does not deform. It comes with a plastic box enough to put your lunch and dinner; and a cold-storage accumulator, perfectly adapted in size and effective taking into the morning. In short, I am very happy with this purchase, in addition I do not find it to be exorbitant in price. Quality product. Fast delivery. I recommend this product. this is my second purchase of the same product in 25 years. solid and high-quality manufacturing. Very good material, except the grid. In fact, the "chrome"is gone very quickly.
  • Cheap Vivitar 5000 AF:

    It is really a shame! Otherwise, large baking capacity, and ease of use and cleaning! Received on time and perfectly packaged, good quality product that is long enough to heat up and does not enter or grilling food. if it is acceptable for vegetables and fish is not meat. I regret in my purchase (which replaces a Téfal much more effective).. seen on an advertising and bought it and I regret nothing because he is judged of all remarkable and excellent product recommended especiallyHello, After 3 weeks of use, I can say that I am very satisfied with the product. Thick glass, wide opening of the bottom for easy cleaning, beautiful finishes, smooth edges not sharp. The seals are in silicone, The brewer with a stainless steel micro-perforated is of good finish : soft by its finesse, robust by design. It only lets very small "dust" leaf herbal tea. or tea. Its handling is facilitated by its neoprene pouch (?) insulating when it is filling. For a good use - like for glass bottles : if the water is boiling, pour a small amount of water to heat the bottom (filter cold metal), wait 5 seconds, and finish of the filled - this prevents the glass to shatter. - Rinse the o-ring that covers the edge of the brewer : the lesser debris of leaf, which remains stuck requires to tighten the cap on the bottom to get the seal resulting in an abnormal wear of the joint. - The bottle goes in the dishwasher, except the plugs and the filter.
  • Best Buy Vivitar 5000 AF:

    - for my part, when the water is boiling, I wait a few minutes before closing the cap to prevent the vacuum effect. The bottle is not a thermos, it keeps the hot drink on the journey time (30 minutes to 45 minutes approximately).. This bottle is the top for every day life and especially for the sport. It doesn't open easily which is good because it does not leak in the bag. I am so pleased with it that I bought several of different sizes. I recommend as very good quality. Overall this product is well suited for camping and hiking. Small container, very compact, lightweight. The box is correct, it opens quite easily. The carabiner is a little superfluous, and the grommet is broken after the first ride. I buy in September for a packed lunch for my son and today I had to replace it because the closure was broken inside the white plastic has not held not moreVery satisfied with this product, which is consistent with the description.
  • On Sale Vivitar 5000 AF:

    A water bottle glass that follows me everywhere at work to avoid using too much of plastic glasses or plastic bottles! I was afraid that she was too fragile, but the protection included is enough!!! After you've tried the bento boxes aladdin (which were a big disappointment), I wanted to test a box way thermos. And well I did, because my meal still smoking (if you pour boiling water in before you put the hot dish : soups, vegetables, pasta... you have the choice) for 5h. :) fully corresponds to its description, very practical and with the two boxes provided this is great. however I received it with two stains, therefore, not at all satisfied on this point. Of very good quality. A large pocket cooler that can accommodate a large number of food. A small pocket of normal for paper or clothing. Handle of the backpack, adjustable and comfortable and can be worn by a child. After 6 months of use, the tarp is perforated. The tarp is too thin and s abyss too easily. I do not recommend this product. Hello, I still have hardly used this bag, but so far it seems to be of good quality and meet my needs. So I'm rather satisfied. Just to note that the bag is rather thin and high, and therefore, it has not too much depth-of-charge, but it was to be expected for the 15 L volume, therefore, nothing wrong with it. I take off a star because the photos on amazon show a hand grip of the bag different than on the bag that I received. Nothing serious of course but the pictures should be identical to avoid any nasty surprises.
  • Vivitar 5000 AF Reviews:

    Mug really cool so practice. It does not leak. It is a bit heavy and wide but it is all the same very well. A very aesthetic, I took it in black. I recommend this mug.. There are baskets, a plastic inside that Campingaz has taken care not to attach. Result they get exploded to the recipient. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the customer SERVICE of Campingaz that will make you change the shopping cart for free in the centre, the nearest authorized. After that, it's a cooler that was robust, efficient and which keeps well the cold weatherThis water bottle allows my little girl to drink throughout the day, I ask him on the kitchen table and she comes over to drink when she wants, it also allows you to move plastic bottles that are transported generally, I used one for me also when I go on a hike or bike ride. It is very handy but I still have to help my 4 year old daughter to turn the cap anti-flow. Fabric a little légé, for protection during a BBQ, it is still a little limmite even if it's more for the gaggreat mug very sympatrès good isolationcontenance ideal to drink several coffees in the journéedésign very sympaun red button in front for control the opening of the top to boireun little heavy despite toutprix a little high... dommageje recommends that in spite of everythingRegide, solid and good quality, this canister is ideal for my drinks proteinées and the sheakers fruit juice.
  • Best Buy Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector:

    . A minimalist aesthetic that confirms the referred to practice of a product well thought out and of good quality. A very good report quality price. Only small downside : we would have liked to have the choice of colours or patterns. Following all of the recommendations, the result is very good. The contents remain warm until my noon meal, 6: 30, knowing that the box remains in a heated premise (in the office). The small lid is very handy. I use a plastic spoon to collect food in order not to damage the walls. A negative point the whole time, because the black coating outside is peeling a little below; but this does not affect, of course, the qualities of the product. solid, useful, perfect size.



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Slide Projectors: Buy Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Best Seller
Buy Vivitar 5000 AF Slide Projector Best Seller
Slide Projectors
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