Meet Best Items Online for Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector - Slide Projectors

Meet Best Items Online for Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector

Meet Best Items Online for Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector Specification & Features Product Name: Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Aut...

Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector

Meet Best Items Online for Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Auto Focus Slide Projector 35mm
  • Brand: Kodak
  • Model: AF-2

  • Kodak Carousel Slide Projector
  • Autofocus
  • Metal Body Construction
  • Remote Control
  • Timer

Kodak Carousel Slide Projector Model AF2. All Metal Body Construction. PewterBlack Color. Autofocus Capable Timer 17 Foot Corded Remote Control ManualAuto Focus Option Made in USA. Accommodates Top Load Carousel Slide Trays 80140. Slide Trays Not Included Available Separately.

Comments List

  • Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector Reviews:

    Grays, because of the quality, the butts outside, and of high quality, however the bag is forgotten, why do the gifts, of low qualities? I bought 2 for my daughter, the 2 are torn apart, the rhinestones were loose, very bad purchase! Cage received within the time-limits laid down. Cage in its box d origin over a cardboard covering with all that it takes to not lose something, or that the cage is damaged. About Amazon indicates delivery J+1 so that the parcel will arrive eventually to J+6. They would be able to know, the package of this template can only be sent in 24 hours! For the kings of the logistics, I was very disappointed. Outside of books and CDS, as soon as it exceeds a little the standards of delivery, there is no more person. Commercial gesture : extending one month of premium! The cage was necessary for me for a tournament during a weekend, as much as to say that it has happened to me far too late. About the cage itself : poor workmanship, holes, mis-adjusted, so cage finally NON-FOLDING! May be you will have more luck with your copy. Otherwise easy to ride, tubes are good section that provides a general robustness. I replaced the fixation of the original net (by cords to tie, as much as to say hell), by carabiners. Provide 20th more to do this. Plan of construction is very incomplete and not very clear! GOOD PRODUCT. A LITTLE LONG TO BE A BOOK, BUT THE PROTECTED TOOTH IS EXCELLENT. IT IS VERY COMFORTABLE AND ESPECIALLY VERY ROBUST.
  • Cheap Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector:

    but the exploded quickly!! Not to give a little accustomed to the hockey glacevoila voila voila voila voilaThe ventilation is very weak so a little disappointed, but nice game and not very expensive! Gift of birthday for my 8 year old daughter which she is thrilled!!! �. Good product ideal for the hockey house with puck roller hockey. Distorts a little with a hockey puck on ice! A little light. I have not received what I think to receive from this article I wanted to put on a piece of equipment (please specify whether this is a put on the equipment or not) Product conforms to the description. I recomande Sport schoes. The only point negative. Almost 10 days to be delivered. I bought the grip color "Gold" and black perforated, the latter seems to be of less quality than the standard but to be confirmed in the test real, what is certain is that the black is thinner and less soft than standardA goal really perfect, very close aesthetically to the real goals of ice hockey and in addition transportable easily because foldable! Excellent product! The net is a bit long to make but it was excellent. Product to purchase without hesitation. Excellent produitSuper adhéranceTrès good accrocheTrès efficacePleinement satisfaitÀ recommend to all those who practice Handball, rugby etc.. this dress coming from I don't know what other country has put a infinite times before being delivered.
  • Cheap Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2:

    Of course the product arrived after the parade of the carnival for which it was commissioned and what's more, the icing on the cake, having ordered a size 8, this size was more suited to a child of 5 years to 8 years of age(thus too small) article pretty on the photo but do not correspond to the reality. I do not advise it.. Awesome!!! Easy to assemble and disassmble. The kids played either outside on the street when it's nice out or in the garage when it rains. I would recommend for our little hockey players. I diverted the ball from its use of the original, I use it for a dog that was a regular and quickly burst the tennis balls that he found. It is hard and not plump, not really, but the dog loves it. I purchase this dress for my daughter on the occasion of a birthday, I'm disappointed that its made it does not match the picture, dress not bouffante!!! I would have preferred knowing it before! I do not recommend it really! Sticks well once set up. However, I have not yet tested in real world conditions.
  • Best Buy Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2:

    Very good support, the molding done, the OPROshield hangs literally the upper jaw. Excellent protection, after some serious training sessions, it reassures so it dampens the impacts of heavy. I've tested a good dozen of models and brands including Shock Doctor, that it was hard to leave but it is well worth the investment.. Compared to the price it's worth a buy, but the quality is not too much there... I have cut and folded 2 in 1 month. Why? Because the holes are larger (gain-of-matter) and so it is bcp less resistant. I am very disappointed by this dress. It is of very poor quality. The seams do not hold. The sequins are falling one after the other. I have to buy something else to compensate for the disappointment of the little girl to whom I offered it. great product, but unfortunately more than 35!!!!!! When a refill on all sizes? Pairs like these (velcro) are so rare on the market. Package arrived in bad étatMoisissures below, because of the moisture certainementL'entourage wood is cracked and there are air bubbles at the level of the tapisMauvais quality/price ratiovery good compromise between a protected teeth and protects teeth quality, he does not become deformed after several use!!! The dress came from China.... The suit is on the other hand delivered very quickly. Estimated delivery between 2 and 27 February, received this day February 04. Very disappointed...



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Slide Projectors: Meet Best Items Online for Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector
Meet Best Items Online for Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 Focus Projector
Slide Projectors
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